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Week 2

Ive been really enjoying this ceramics class so far. This week I got to mix clay for the first time. That was really cool to be able to choose what qualities I want out of the clay. All the grog in the class stoneware would upset my hands, especially when throwing. I also want to experiment more with sgraffito, which was hard to make small detail lines with the grog. It would tear apart the surface and make lines look very sloppy and uneven. So I'm thinking that with this super smooth porcelain I'll be able to achieve a much cleaner look.

This first project has been challenging. It's been strange not focusing on the actually building processes. It has definitely made me think more outside the box and see all the different ways ceramics can be expressed. Its been boring in some ways because there isn't as much going into it in class. But I think it will be really fun acting out the process of the verb. It's probably going to take a few trials too so we'll see.

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